Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 48: 42 days straight, and 13 to go

Mon 4/22  6 miles. I participated in our local Run for Boston, a silent run that my buddy Scott put together. Scott had that Boston experience that so many did: he ran a terrific time (a very steady 3:11 at age 49), felt great afterwards until he returned to his hotel and learned of the bombing. He put on a terrific event with almost no frills—just a bunch of folks of a wide variety of levels getting together to run a few miles.

Tue 4/23  4 ½ miles, including 2 miles barefoot, 8 x 120 striders

Wed 4/24  2 miles. Yeah, like that.

Thu 4/25  10 miles at Croft. Thought I might get a run similar to last week when I felt easy and flowing throughout, ratcheting up the pace as I went. This time, I didn’t feel very good, but finished the run, and with some style, as well. This one was 12 minutes slower for the ten miles than last week.

from Southside: Southside Loop counterclockwise.

Fri 4/26  2 miles

Sat 4/27  18 miles at Croft with Jim P. Jim is part of the trail crowd in Greenville, and is also running the Ice Age 50. He got in touch about coming to run our trails down here for a change of pace. I had intended to do a longer back-to-back run, and he was right on the same schedule. We really took our time on this run. I took him on the hilliest loop we have.

from Dairy Ridge: Palmetto to the Chapters to TC’s to the little lake trail to the Lake Trail to McFadden to Hensington to Palmetto

Sun 4/28  14 miles with Jim P., Chris W., and Scott. Jim came down for more Spartanburg trails, and brought Chris with him. They both have run at Croft, but only on the horse trails. I took them on the one remaining very hilly trail that we didn’t hit yesterday. We cut this one a little short because it was dumping rain the entire time.

from Dairy Ridge: New Edition to Jerry Perry to the Lake Trail to the pool to Hensington to Palmetto

Total: 56 ½ miles in seven runs

Another terrific week for my head. I’m feeling very confident and prepared. The back-to-back didn’t feel easy, but was not all that taxing either. I was extremely motivated throughout, and I finished up the biggest week I’ve had in a long time. I have a busy weekend coming with a work gig, a band gig and a family gig. Planning on just one day of fairly easy running, most likely, or possibly a shorter back-to-back.

Read a terrific interview with Matt Carpenter. He says ultras are all about nutrition. I'll focus on staying fed, for sure, about the only thing that would keep me from finishing in style at this point.

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